Friday, January 16, 2009

feel good ghosts

today feels so saturated with happiness and feeling like that boy from american beauty who can do nothing but feel. this feeling i have is largely influenced by cloud cult ("may your hearts stay strong") and the fact that the sun has been present in a big way for the past three days despite the unforgiving temperatures. sun dogs happen in conditions such as these. no one hates that.

i feel a bit like a glutton today/always. it is gorgeous outside and i haven't found an excuse to experience it, although my time for that is rapidly approaching. I will be meeting a dear friend in a dear place to us. dear because it has been the host of every point in the (un)predictable cycle to our friendship/whatevership. not quite as predictable as the moon--it is something more like the tide, which is poetic in that the tide is influenced, perhaps most, by the moon. full circle. interconnectedness. oh, universe.

 life dripping with life. sunrays penetrate. 
